Banner image is a detail from the 1937 mural by Maxo Vanka entitled "Mary, Queen of Croatia," St. Nicholas Catholic Church, Millvale, PA. Source:
Learn about the murals and what you can do to preserve them!
Gathered on these pages are materials on the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Western Pennsylvania. Most of the materials are books from the collection of the Gumberg Library, Duquesne University. Some of the books can be borrowed by students, faculty and staff of Duquesne University. Books that circulate may be requested by interested parties who are not affiliated with Duquesne University via interlibrary loan requests through their local public or college/university library. Some of the books must be used in the library, particularly those with the locations "Spiritan Collection" or "University Archives."
This research guide points users to materials available at the Gumberg Library on the following topics:
Use the tabs across the top of the guide to explore the different sub-topics dealing with the history of Catholics and the Catholic Church in Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania.
Image: Detail from "Mary Queen of Croatians," by Maxo Vanka, a mural at St. Nicholas Croatian Catholic Church., Millvale, PA. Photo by Renee Rosensteel.