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Scholarly Impact: Consultation

What to Expect

As part of your consultation, the librarian will:

  • Review your CV and publication history
  • Ask you to describe the databases and research resources you use
  • Ask about your plans regarding promotion and tenure
  • Discuss what data you hope to obtain as a result of this process
  • The librarian might also run some initial searches for initial review
  • Establish a timeline for your report
  • Execute cited reference searches in appropriate databases
  • Provide a report that includes search terms, exclusion criteria, number of citing references, and citing references for each database
  • Discuss other relevant data for your case
  • If necessary, schedule a second appointment to discuss results, consider revisions, and answer questions


As an extension of its research assistance service, Gumberg Library is pleased to offer consultation services for faculty members planning to apply for third-year review, promotion, and tenure. Because this service requires a highly specialized research process and a detailed report, the librarians providing the service need to schedule the work throughout the summer. Please complete the form below to request a librarian consultation.


This is a confidential process. The librarians will not share any information related to your case without your permission.

The librarian will produce a report that can help you make the case for promotion and tenure. Our goal is to help you find and understand data that you can use as evidence of the impact of your scholarship. However, the librarians cannot evaluate whether your scholarship is suitable for obtaining promotion and tenure. Ultimately, it is up to you to explain the significance of your scholarship.


If you have questions about the process or the disclaimer please contact:

David Nolfi
Head, Research Engagement, Health Sciences/STEM Initiatives & Assessment