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The Papacy: A Research Guide: Home


Christ giving the Keys of the Kingdom to Peter

St. Peter being presented with the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. Meister des Perikopenbuches Heinrichs II. Public domain. Wikimedia Commons.


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Click the button above to visit the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) website, home of the Catholic Portal, a catalog of rare, unique, and uncommon Catholic scholarly materials in the library collections of the over 40 member institutions of the CRRA. An ever-growing number of the items listed may contain links to the full-text!

CRRA has a growing collection of subject guides to assist users of their website in doing research. Click the link below to see these subject guides.

CRRA Subject Guides

Introduction: The Papacy

Welcome to this Gumberg Library research guide on the Papacy. According to the Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Edition, "the papacy is the central governing institution of the Roman Catholic church under the leadership of the bishop of Rome. The word papacy "derives from the Latin papa, an affectionate term for 'father.'"

This research guide is designed to get researchers quickly to books and periodical articles on the office of the papacy, Vatican City, and individual popes, their writings and activities.

To see basic articles on the Papacy, click the links directly below. If you want to read the articles from off-campus, you will need to enter your Multipass information after you click on the title.

Papacy from the New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2nd Edition

Papacy from the Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd Edition

Reference Works

Some of these titles are electronic reference works. To use them, please enter your Multipass username and password when prompted

Find Books By and About Individual Popes

Search using the DUQSearch Advanced Search.

Once there, to find books by or about an individual pope, enter his name in the first search box according to this pattern: Name, Number (Roman numeral, if they have one), and the word "pope." For example, to search for Pope Benedict XVI, we would type:

Benedict, XVI, pope

(You don't need to capitalize or use commas.)

To limit your search to print and ebooks only--no articles--make sure to scroll down after entering your search and clicking on this limit:

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Books by a Pope

To find books by a particular pope, type the pope's name as instructed above in the search box and choose "AU Author" from the menu to the right of the search box. The click Search.

Search detail 2

Books about a Pope

To find books about a particular pope, type the pope's name as instructed above in the search box and choose "SU Subject Terms" from the menu to the right of the search box. The click Search.

search detail 3

Limit a search to books only

Again, to limit your search to print and ebooks only--no articles--make sure to scroll down after entering your search and clicking on this limit:

search detail 4

Click an image to see it enlarged

Find Encyclicals

Begin here for the start of the search for an encyclical in the online catalog. Then type the Latin title for it in the first search box and choose "TI Title" from the pulldown menu on the left. In the second search box, type the name of the pope who wrote the encyclical following the pattern described in the box above, and change the menu to the right of this search box to "AU Author." (If you don't know the name of the pope, leave this out.) Then click Search.

search detail 5

Click an image to see it enlarged