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Mechanical Engineering

This guide is designed to support students and faculty in Duquesne University’s Mechanical Engineering program. It brings together selected relevant Gumberg Library resources and additional websites.

Citing & Writing



Ask your professor what style you should use for your papers and reference lists. Some prefer the style used by a specific journal and some prefer CSE. See the Citing Your Sources guide below for additional citation styles.


Scientific Style and Format: The CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers is the preferred citation style for many scientific disciplines. The most recent edition is the 9th edition (2024).

CSE has two forms, Name-Year and Citation-Sequence. Check with your professor for their preferred method.


The ACS Style Guide is from the American Chemical Society. The most recent edition is from 2006.


Duquesne University provides access to Endnote, which is citation management software. EndNote or any other citation management software is essential for graduate students and faculty working on publications.

See the guide below for directions on installing EndNote, importing references, and using some of its other features. Video tutorials are available here as well.


Duquesne's Writing Center offers numerous resources for students to receive help on writing-related assignments including opportunities to meet one-on-one with tutoring staff, access to handouts on writing tips, and more.