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Gift to America 2.0: Program 1 (9/8/2022)

An exhibit of art inspired by the Maxo Vanka murals and programming related to it.

Program 1

Program 1

"The Vanka Murals: Then, Now, Forever"

Led by Anna Doering, Executive Director, Society to Preserve the Millvale Murals of Maxo Vanka, and Ted Bergfelt, Humanities Librarian, Gumberg Library, this virtual program will introduce the history of the murals (Then), offer a 360 degree tour of the murals today (Now), and discuss conservation efforts and Gift to America 2.0 as parts of the "Forever."

  • Thursday, September 8
  • 6:30-8:00 pm
  • Virtual—on Zoom.  Please register. (When you register, you will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link to join the presentation.)
  • Free and open to the public

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