Gumberg Library subscribes to EBSCOhost databases like CINAHL, PsycINFO, SPORT Discus, etc. For a full list, click here.
Follow the steps below to download results from EBSCOhost databases:
Click Share on the right side of the results list. Under Export results, click Email a link to download exported results... (you can download up to 25,000 results).
Enter your email address, select RIS Format, and then click Send.
When you receive the results email from EBSCO, click the link to download the file:
Go back to the review home page and click Import.
Select the Screen option from the dropdown menu, click Choose File, and then select the file you previously saved.
Once you click Import, Covidence will import the uploaded files and remove any duplicates. After the references are uploaded, you can view the duplicates on the home page, by clicking on the number of total duplicates removed to ensure Covidence accurately screened the uploaded references. Covidence also keeps an Import History that allows you to view duplicates from separate imports.