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APA 7th Edition

Learn how to use and cite within APA Style

Additional Resources

Additional Resources

On-Campus Writing Center 

The Duquesne University Writing Center provides help for writing, revision, grammar and punctuation, citation, genre and more!

By creating an account, you can make an appointment through the Writing Center website.

Gumberg Related Guides

EndNote for APA 7th Edition 

The version of EndNote that you currently have installed on your computer is unlikely to have APA 7th edition installed. 

However, EndNote does make it available to download.

        To download the 7th edition, follow the steps below:

1. Access the Output Styles Webpage

2. Click APA 7th and then click Download Style

  • The download should open in EndNote 
  • If it doesn't, go to your downloads folder and click open

3. When the file opens in EndNote, click File and then Save As

4. Go to your EndNote Library and click Select Another Style

5. Search for APA 7th and click Choose

  • You will now see APA 7th as a style option from the drop-down bar

Please Note: EndNote recently released the 7th edition style. There are minor bugs that may affect the accuracy of your citations!

  • Be aware that it cannot complete the multiple author style (21 or more) for the 7th edition for a reference list
  • It may also show the type of article for a journal, which may need to be removed

⇒ Double-check your citations!

 Academic Writer's Writing Center

If you are beginning to learn how to use APA Style, using the Writing Center within Academic Writer may help you.

When writing a paper in the Writing Center, you can add references from your reference library into the body of your paper as well as generate a bibliography from your references.

Note: An account is needed to use the Writing Center.