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Political Science Research Guide

Citing Your Sources

There are different citation styles that can be used to cite sources and format papers.  Two of the most common citation styles are:

Check with your instructor for individual course requirements.

The Duquesne University Writing Center has created many helpful guides to assist you with creating in-text citations and citations for your list of references for many different citation styles.  If you'd like one-on-one help with your writing and citing, you can make an appointment with the Writing Center or simply visit the center during walk-in hours.  



Duquesne University provides access to Endnote, which is citation management software.  It's useful to export references from library databases into EndNote, organize your sources within EndNote and export your citations to a Works Cited page.  EndNote or any other citation management software is essential for graduate students and faculty working on publications.  The EndNote libguide includes helpful instructions for downloading EndNote, importing references, and connecting EndNote and Microsoft Word.  Also, Gumberg Librarians regularly provide workshops in EndNote and we answer a variety of questions about EndNote as well.    

Writing in the Social Sciences: Literature Review

Literature reviews are designed to do two things:

1) Explain and analyze "the literature"

2) Demonstrate how your research fits into the literature

Unlike annotated bibliographies which are lists of citations with an annotation for each source, literature reviews can be incorporated into a larger work or they can stand on their own.