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Open Textbook Writing Fellowship: Fellowship Overview

Open Textbook Writing Fellowship

Text that says "Open Textbook Writing Fellowship" and an image of a laptop with books floating out of it.

Open Textbook Writing Fellowship

The Open Textbook Writing Fellowship is a two-semester long writing program to provide Duquesne faculty with the time and resources to produce their own free to use textbook. These open textbooks will be fully digital, permissible for use and editing under Creative Commons Copyright, simple to integrate into Canvas for courses, and designed to address the needs of a specific course offered at Duquesne University.

Along with providing faculty with designated times to write, revise, and peer review their course materials, this fellowship will include workshops on open education and open pedagogy, planning for digital books, publishing digital books, and more. At the end of the fellowship, each participating faculty member will have a digital, open textbook published in the Duquesne Scholarship Collection. These textbooks will be available for their students, other instructors, and peers in their field.


Fellowship Learning Objectives:

After this fellowship, faculty members will be able to:

  • Understand the process of designing, writing, and publishing a digital textbook,
  • Publish a completed, digital textbook that is free for their students to use,
  • Recognize the impact that open course materials can have on their students, course design, and themselves as instructors,
  • Serve as champions of open textbooks on campus.

Upcoming Information Sessions:

Says "Learn more at an information session: Online Session Tuesday, July 25 12:00pm - 1:00pm Register for Zoom Link, Online Session Thursday, August 8 12:00pm - 1:00pm Register for Zoom Link, In Person Session Wednesday, August 21 3:00pm - 4:00pm Location: Popular Reading Room, Gumberg Library, Register to Attend

Register for an information session at: Gumberg Library Events


2024-2025 Fellowship Application

To apply for the fellowship, please complete the Microsoft Forms application below. If needed, the Microsoft Word version of the application is available for ease of reading.

Microsoft Forms: link to the application


Application Criteria

Depending on the applicant pool, decision preference will be based on academic diversity.


If you have any issues accessing the application, please reach out to Reagan Harper at

Participation Requirements

Participation Requirements

Fall Semester

  • Attend all four planning and designing workshops
  • Attend the day long writing retreat

Spring Semester

  • Attend the publishing workshop
  • Attend at least three of the five writing sessions
  • Attend the day long writing retreat

Application Timeline

Application Timeline

July 25, 2024: Application goes live

September 6, 2024: Applications Due

September 23, 2024: Fellowship Acceptance Packets sent out

October 1, 2024: Deadline for Faculty to Accept Participation