Greek letter "Psi" - Symbol for Psychology
Public Domain. Source: Wikimedia Commons
This page was created to connect students in psychology to reference works and scholarly journals in their discipline. Both print and electronic reference works are presented, including a direct link to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM-V). For articles, this page will take student researchers to the best databases in psychology, to general databases that cover psychology, and will give some tips on using those resources. This webpage also provides information on citation in APA format (6th edition) and on how to obtain articles that are not available at the Gumberg Library. To enter any of the databases from off-campus, you will need to enter your Multipass username and password when you click on the link to the database.
Use the tabs running across the top of the page to access the various sections of this research guide.
If at any time during your research you need help, click on the Ask-a-Librarian link in the box on the upper left, or at the top of the screen, to connect with a reference librarian.
To get to the psychology databases, go to the Gumberg Library home page:
Once on the home page, go to the menu on the left and click on "Research Databases":
On the next screen, go to the left hand column headed "Databases by Subject" and click on "Psychology."
This will take you to the complete list of databases supporting the discipline of psychology.
From this webpage, you can get to all the psychology databases by clicking the link "Articles/Research Databases" in the box on the left side of the screen.