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ETD Preparation and Submission: Guidelines for Graduate Students

This guide will give you information on, and walk you through, all aspects of the ETD (electronic theses and dissertations) process.

ETD Representatives by School

Contact your ETD representative for information about school-specific deadlines and requirements.

School ETD Representatives

Bayer School of Natural and
Environmental Sciences

Dorothy Rigby

Biology and Chemistry

Mary Kate Ranii

Environmental Science & Management




100 Mellon Hall


Fisher 333

Mary Pappert School of Music

Rachel Whitcomb 412-396-2225 Music 213
McAnulty College & Graduate School of
Liberal Arts
Linda Rendulic 412-396-6400 College 215
Rangos School of Health Sciences Jessica Roscoe 412-396-5534 Health Science 306
School of Pharmacy Dr. Carl Anderson 412-396-5662 Mellon 431
School of Education

Patricia Eckert
Educational Leadership
Anthony Previte
Counselor Education and Supervision
Audrey Czwalga
School Psychology
Anthony Previte
Instructional Technology
Anthony Previte

Special Education






Canevin 401A

Canevin 405

Canevin 109B

Canevin 405

Canevin 103D

School of Nursing Meg Barefoot 412-396-6551 Fisher 544A