Once you have completed your search in Sage Journals Online, click the title of the article.
Copy the URL in the address bar:
Navigate to the Open Athens Link Navigator and make certain you are using the Duquesne University site:
Paste the full URL into the box and then Copy the OpenAthens Link:
Paste the link into Canvas or wherever you would like to use it.
Note: any individual who tries to access your link off-campus will have to use their Duquesne MultiPass credentials to access the article.
Sage eReference automatically provides a persistent link.
Once you have completed your search, click the title of the eBook.
The URL in the address bar at the top of the page is the persistent link to the eBook.
Note: any individual who tries to access your link off-campus will have to use their Duquesne MultiPass credentials to access the eBook.
If you're confused about persistent links, please contact the library using Ask Gumberg.