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Journal Databases: Which One to Use?: Home

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Two Great Databases for Starting Research!

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Below are links to two great databases, Academic Search Elite and ProQuest Central. They can be used for all subjects. These databases allow you to find both popular articles from magazines and newspapers, and scholarly articles from journals. Both databases contain the full-text of many articles. If you only need a couple of articles, they may be all you need.

Academic Search Elite

Academic Search Elite offers full text for more than 2,000 serials, including more than 1,500 peer-reviewed titles. This multi-disciplinary database covers virtually every area of academic study. More than 100 journals have PDF images back to 1985.

ProQuest Central

Offers 19,370 titles, with over 13,010 titles in full text. It serves as the central resource for researchers at all levels in all markets.


Go In-Depth With These Subject-Specific Databases!

In every academic discipline, there is at least one database that is preeminent and attempts to comprehensively cover all the literature of that discipline. When you want to go in-depth in a particular discipline, they are essential tools. Below we have listed many academic disciplines and the preeminent databases for those disciplines. In a few cases we list more than one.

American History

America: History and Life

Index entries and abstracts for scholarly journal articles, dissertations, review articles, and monographs. Subjects covered include the history and culture of the United States and Canada from prehistoric times to the present.



AnthroSource is a service of the American Anthropological Association that offers members and subscribing libraries full-text anthropological resources from the breadth and depth of the discipline. including a digital searchable database containing the past, present and future AAA publications, more than 250,000 articles from AAA journals, newsletters, bulletins and monographs in a single place, and 24/7 access to scientific research information across the field of anthropology

Business (Including Marketing, Accounting, etc.)


Search nearly 1800 worldwide business periodicals for in-depth coverage of business and economic conditions, management techniques, theory, and practice of business, advertising, marketing, economics, human resources, finance, taxation, computers, and more.Now includes The Wall Street Journal.

Business Source Premiere

Business Source Premier is the industry's most used business research database, providing full text for more than 2,300 journals, including full text for more than 1,100 peer-reviewed title coveringall disciplines of business, including marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, finance and economics. This database is updated daily.

Computer Science

ProQuest Computing Database

Search top computing journals in full text for research on subjects such as database design, software development, web commerce, LANs, WANs, Intranets, and the Internet. The database includes over 350 titles, with nearly 300 available in full text.



Journals, books, and working papers on economics. Provides citations for dissertations and articles in more than 620 collective volumes per year.


ERIC (Educational Resources Information Center)

ERIC provides full text of more than 2,200 digests along with references for additional information and citations and abstracts from over 1,000 educational and education-related journals.

Environmental Sciences & Sustainability

Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)

The Environmental Science Database is a cross-disciplinary resource of full-text content of global literature across this field and related disciplines.


Comprised of scholarly and general interest titles, as well as government documents and reports, GreenFILE offers a unique perspective on the positive and negative ways humans affect the ecology

Literature, Language, Folklore

MLA International Bibliography

Going back to the 1920s, MLA International Bibliography offers a detailed bibliography of journal articles, books, book chapters, and dissertations.

Literature Resource Center

Find up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism and reviews on nearly 130,000 writers in all disciplines, from all time periods and from around the world.


ProQuest Military Database

ProQuest Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more.


Music Index

The Music Index is the single most comprehensive subject-author guide to music periodical literature. Its online coverage spans from 1976 to the present and contains surveyed data from 775 international music periodicals from over 40 countries

RILM Abstracts of Music Literature

Indexes the literature covering all areas of music, including historical musicology; ethnomusicology; instruments and voice; librarianship; performance practice and notation; theory and analysis; pedagogy; liturgy; dance; criticism and music therapy. RILM also includes interdisciplinary studies of music and various other fields. The database encompasses significant writings on music from all types of scholarly works produced worldwide, such as articles, books, dissertations, record and concert reviews and more. Produced by the Repertoire International de Litterature Musicale.

Natural Sciences


ScienceDirect provides the full text of hundreds of scientific, technical, and medical journals published by Elsevier, Academic Press, and selected additional publishers from 1995 to present, and enables searching of abstracts of articles from more than 3,000 journals.


Login with your personal username and password to search SciFinder. First Time Users must register before logging in --First time users

Nursing & the Health Sciences

CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature)

CINAHL is the authoritative resource for nursing and allied health professionals, students, educators and researchers. This database provides indexing for 2,857 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health. The database contains more than 1,000,000 records dating back to 1982

See also PubMed and Embase under Pharmacy below.



Embase is a highly versatile, multipurpose and up-to-date biomedical database. It covers the most important international biomedical literature from 1947 to the present day and all articles are indexed in depth using Elsevier's Life Science thesaurus Embase Indexing and EmtreeĀ®.

PubMed @ Duquesne

PubMed @ Duquesne enables you to connect directly to Gumberg Library holdings via PubMed. PubMed provides access to bibliographic information that includes MEDLINE, OLDMEDLINE, as well as the out-of-scope citations from certain MEDLINE journals; citations that precede the date that a journal was selected for MEDLINE indexing; and some additional life science journals that submit full text to PubMedCentral and receive a qualitative review by NLM.

See also CINAHL under Nursing & the Health Sciences above


Philosopher's Index

The Philosopher's Index is a bibliographic database with informative, author-written abstracts covering scholarly research in all areas of philosophy. The literature covered goes back to 1940 and includes journal articles, books, book chapters such as contributions to an anthology, and book reviews.

Political Science

Worldwide Political Science Abstracts

The database provides citations, abstracts, and indexing of the international serials literature in political science and its complementary fields, including international relations, law, and public administration/policy.



PsycINFO, from the American Psychological Association (APA), contains nearly 2.3 million citations and summaries of scholarly journal articles, book chapters, books, and dissertations, all in psychology and related disciplines, dating as far back as the 1800s. 97 percent of the covered material is peer-reviewed. Journal coverage, which spans 1887 to present, includes international material selected from more than 2,100 periodicals in more than 25 languages.

Public & International Affairs

PAIS Index

This database chronicles issues in the public debate through highly selective coverage of a wide variety of sources including journal articles, books, government documents, statistical directories, grey literature, research reports, conference papers, publications of international agencies, microfiche, Internet material and more. The database includes a historical perspective on many of the 20th century's social and public policies such as Prohibition, the civil rights movement, McCarthyism, Vietnam and Watergate. PAIS includes both international and archive.

Rhetoric & Communication

Communication and Mass Media Complete

Communication & Mass Media Complete incorporates the content of CommSearch (formerly produced by the National Communication Association) and Mass Media Articles Index (formerly produced by Penn State) along with numerous other journals in communication, mass media, and other closely-related fields of study to create a research and reference resource of unprecedented scope and depth encompassing the breadth of the communication discipline.


Sociological Abstracts

Sociological Abstracts abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences. The database provides abstracts of journal articles and citations to book reviews drawn from over 1,800+ serials publications, and also provides abstracts of books, book chapters, dissertations, and conference papers.

Theology & Religious Studies

ATLA Religion Database with Serials

ATLASerialsĀ® (ATLASĀ®) is an online full-text collection of major religion and theology journals used by libraries, librarians, religion scholars, theologians, and clergy.

World History

Historical Abstracts

Reference guide to the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada, which are covered in America: History and Life). Currently over 2,000 journals published throughout the world are covered in the database and includes a targeted selection of hundreds of journals in the social sciences and humanities that are of special interest to researchers and students of history.

Multidisciplinary Article Databases - Find Scholarly Articles

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Use for all subjects

These databases are multidisciplinary, that is, they cover all subjects. They also index only scholarly journal articles.

Google Scholar

Link Google Scholar to Gumberg Library Databases

Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. From one place, you can search across many disciplines and sources: peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, abstracts and articles, from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organizations. Google Scholar helps you identify the most relevant research across the world of scholarly research.


A reliable and comprehensive archive of important scholarly journal literature. JSTOR comprises searchable and browsable tables of contents and full text articles from both multidisciplinary and discipline-specific journal collections. Coverage begins with the first issue of each title and, for most titles, ends 3-5 years from the present date. For some titles, coverage ends more recently than 3 years from the present date. Though no current issues are available directly through JSTOR, links to the current issues of some titles are provided.

Project Muse

Project MUSE is a unique collaboration between libraries and publishers providing 100% full-text, affordable and user-friendly online access to over 300 high quality humanities, arts, and social sciences journals from 60 scholarly publishers.


Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of research literature and quality web sources. Quick, easy and comprehensive, Scopus provides superior support of the literature research process. Users can spend less time mastering databases and more time on research. It's the easiest way to find relevant results fast.

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