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Social Justice Reading Club


The Social Justice Reading Club is focused on uniting Duquesne faculty, students, and staff in discussions of social justice books.  

Spring Semester 2019 Book Discussion

Book: Evicted by Matthew Desmond 

When: Wednesday, March 27th 

Where: Student Union Africa Room 

Check out a copy of Evicted from Gumgerg Library.  

About the Book: "In Evicted, Princeton sociologist and MacArthur "Genius" Matthew Desmond follows eight families in Milwaukee as they each struggle to keep a roof over their heads...Its unforgettable scenes of hope and loss remind us of the centrality of home, without which nothing else is possible."  -From the back cover of Evicted 

Register for the discussion Here


Introduction to our Spring 2019 book, Evicted by Matthew Desmond

In Students' Own Words

Students at Duquesne University were asked how they'd respond to someone who disparaging people on public assistance.  Here are some of their responses: 

"It's okay to get help when needed.  You'll never know what someone is going through." 

"I would try to be a voice for these people; whom some may be disabled, ill etc" 

"... there should be more opportunities for growth outside of the welfare program." 

"Not everyone on welfare is not trying to work on their lives but there is a great amount that are.  Also, do not judge others on welfare because you do not know their situation." 

"Some are born to privilege, some are born to poverty..." 

"There but for the grace of God go I... we never know what may happen... our role as fellow human beings [is] to treat each other with compassion and love. Who knows what that person who is on public assistance has gone through, what demons she faces? Rather than tear her down, let's build her up.  And, if you don't have anything nice to say - zip it!"  

"First I would tell them to shut up. That there are people in this world that work hard and don't have the luck that others do. That yes there are people that abuse the system but there are a lot that need it. And its our job as people that have that luck or ability to help those get out of these places and do good."

"You have no idea what struggles he/she could be going through right now. Give them time to get on their feet, and don't judge."