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Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature: Mary Shelley Birthday Party

This guide is the record ot the programming surrounding this NLM exhibit at the Gumberg Library, August 27-October 6, 2018

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Mary Shelley Birthday Party heading

To kick off the NLM poster Exhibit "Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature, on October, 2018, Gumberg Library celebrated the birthday of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, and the 200th anniversary of the publication of the first edition of Frankenstein, which took place in 1818. For this party, we had two cakes, one for Mary Shelley and one for the Creature.

David Nolfi introduces program

David Nolfi, Head of Research Engagement, Health Science and STEM Initiatives, introduces the "Frankenstein: Penetrating the Secrets of Nature" poster exhibit from the National Library of Medicine.

Frankenstein key chains made with 3-D printer

Frankenstein creature keychains, made with a 3-D printer, by Dr. Benjamin Goldschmidt, Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Bill Purse talks about the theremin

Dr. Bill Purse, Mary Pappert School of Music, plays the theremin, and electronic instrument which was used to provide the eerie sounding music for many science fiction and horror films of the past.

Tattoo featuring quote from Frankenstein

A student who attended the Mary Shelley Birthday party sports a tattoo with a quotation from Mary Shelley's masterpiece.

Birthday cakes for Mary Shelley and the Creature

Birthday cake for the 200th anniversary of the "birth" of Frankenstein's creature