Climate change refers to the long term increase in the average global temperature due to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. It is currently occurring mainly due to human activity, including burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests.
Climate change causes larger and more severe weather events, rising sea levels, and extinctions.
Read more about climate change in CQ Researcher and on the NASA website.
Also see the following:
2017 US Global Change Research Program Climate Science Special Report (Draft)
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Anthropocene (Keyword search)
Nature - Effect of human beings on
Global warming -- environmental aspects
Climatic changes -- Psychological aspects
Climatic changes -- Moral and ethical aspects
Environmental Databases
Environmental Science Database (ProQuest)
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Science Journals Database (ProQuest)
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You may have heard people say that there is no such thing as global warming because it is snowing. However, they are confusing weather and climate.
Weather: short term local atmospheric conditions
Climate: long term averages of temperature, precipitation, etc.
Find out more from NASA here, or read more from NOAA.
Preprints are articles that haven't yet gone through peer review, and they're a great way to read new and cutting edge research. You can access earth science preprints on EarthArXiv.