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Shakespeare and the Four Humors: Learn More


Selected Books on the Humors

Elizabethan Background

Ancient and Early Modern Medicine

Logo for Greek Medicine exhibit

Click the image to visit this online exhibit from the National Library of Medicine

Logo for poem "Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum"

Written in the 12th or 13th century, the Regimen Sanitatis Salernitanum was a very popular poem on matters of diet and health, well-regarded down through the 19th century. It speaks of the four humors on its later pages. Click the logo to read this work in English translation.

Castel of Health, by Thomas Elyot, 1541

Photo of Original Title Page of Castel of Health

Click the image to read this book on Internet Archive

The Optick Glasse of Humors, by Thomas Walkington, 1639

Photo of Original Title Page of The Optic Glasse of Humors

Click the image to read this book on Internet Archive

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Logo for Shakespeare and the four humours

Click the image directly above to visit the National Library of Medicine's website accompanying the "'And there's the humor of it': Shakespeare and the four humors" poster exhibit.