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Critical Whiteness Studies: Home

"‘Whiteness,' like ‘colour' and ‘Blackness,' are essentially social constructs applied to human beings rather than veritable truths that have universal validity. The power of Whiteness, however, is manifested by the ways in which racialized Whiteness becomes transformed into social, political, economic, and cultural behaviour. White culture, norms, and values in all these areas become normative natural. They become the standard against which all other cultures, groups, and individuals are measured and usually found to be inferior."

This research guide will connect the Gumberg Library user to encyclopedia articles, books (print and EBook), journal databases in many disciplines, and dissertations in which the researcher can explore the controversial concepts of "whiteness," "white privilege," and the growing field of Whiteness Studies.

[Quote above from Henry, F., & Tator, C. (2006). The colour of democracy: Racism in Canadian society . 3rd Ed. Toronto: Nelson]

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