The "For Alumni, Retirees, & Guests" pages are directed toward Alumni who have graduated from Duquesne, employees who have retired from working at Duquesne, and guests who are not affiliated with Duquesne.
Think about the questions you may have about accessing our materials (books, eBooks, online articles, databases, equipment), services, and more and explore this page to see if you can find the answers.
This is an opportunity to explore our website and review the services that we offer at Gumberg Library. Please review the descriptions of each tab on the left hand side of this page, and review the information in each tab on the actual webpage of Gumberg Library.
Library Services For Alumni
This page provides a general summary of the services that are available to Duquesne University Alumni. Alumni can mainly use the library during swipe hours and borrow up to 20 items at a time.
Library Services for Retirees
This page provides a general summary of the services that are available to Duquesne University retirees. Retirees can mainly use the library during swipe hours and borrow up to 20 items at a time.
Library Services for Duquesne Society Members
This is an extremely small population of patrons, and you likely will not receive questions from these patrons. They have many of the same privileges as Alumni and Retirees.
Library Services for Guest Borrowers
This page also includes very isolated groups of library users that you will likely not encounter. Curriculum Center Special Borrowers are likely the most common group that you may encounter.
Library Services for Reciprocal Partner Libraries
There are a few libraries that Duquesne partners with. This means that their users can register their library account a Gumberg Library to borrow items.
Finding Print Materials for Alumni, Retirees, Guests, or Reciprocal Borrowers
Since only active members of the Duquesne community can access Gumberg's catalogue with their multipass credentials, other borrowers must use our "classic catalogue" to search for items. Access to the classic catalogue is available on this page.
Printing at Gumberg
Since Alumni, retirees, and guest borrowers do not have a multipass, they also cannot use the same printers that students and employees can use. They must use the Xerox machine on the 4th floor across from the vending machines. Instructions for how to use the Xerox machine are available on this page.