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eBooks: How to Find Them

Direct Access

DUQSearch links to the full text of eBooks in several ways. Read below to learn more!

Some eBooks are available directly from the search results list. You can recognize them because they will have one or more of the full text options:

  • PDF Full Text 
  • EPUB Full Text
  • Full Download (you will be prompted to create an EBSCO account)


Additional Full Text options:

  • Online Access

Download or Read Online?

You will need to do a full download if you intend to access the document without an internet connection.

Full Text Finder

Sometimes your only choice is the Full Text Finder


When you click Full Text Finder, you will see 2 options:

Option 1. Click the link to check for Full Text at the publisher's site:



Option 2. ILL - If No Full Text is available, click the ILL link:


E-ZBorrow During Covid-19 Response Period: At this time, E-ZBorrow services are suspended. Once it is again active, visit E-ZBorrow here. This service allows you to borrow books from other libraries if those books aren't available at Gumberg.

ILL During Covid-19 Response Period: While we are not lending physical materials during the COVID-19 response period, we will borrow and lend electronic materials that are available. Some libraries are not offering this service, so we may not have access to as many electronic resources as normal, but we will do our best to fulfill electronic requests.

No Direct Access or Full Text Finder

If you don't see the direct access link, you should click on the book title, scroll to the bottom of the page.

There may be a hyperlink available in the URL field:



If you see a link but it's not active, try copying and pasting the Availability link into a new browser tab:
