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Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: SoTL

What is SoTL?

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL):

"is the systematic reflection on teaching and learning made public.” – Illinois State University

“involves systematic study of teaching and/or learning and the public sharing and review of such work through presentations or publications.”  - Kathleen McKinney, “What is SoTL in Higher Education?”

“addresses the intellectual work of the classroom, especially teaching and learning, as the focus of disciplinary-based learning, captures that work in appropriate formats for self-reflection or presentation to peers, and applies the results to practice.” - Barbara Cambridge, Fostering the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Communities of Practice, 2001


Why conduct SoTL research?

  • Improve teaching, learning, curriculum at DU
  • Make it public through peer-reviewed presentations and publications
  • Promotion & Tenure uses: varies by context at DU
  • Share your idea through DU's Creative Teaching Award


Last Updated: 9/27/2022 by Amanda Clossen.  Page adapted from Leslie Lewis.

SoTL at Duquesne

Message from the Provost

"Duquesne University is a national model for teacher-scholars who balance their time between teaching, research and scholarship.  These paired commitments help us to achieve our mission to serve God by serving our students and also allow Duquesne to have a significant impact on pedagogical theory and the advancement of knowledge.  Thus, the scholarship of teaching and learning has a special and direct tie to our Spiritan mission and the academic enterprise of the university."  

- David J. Dausey, Ph.D., Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Steven Hansen
Director for Faculty Development
Center for Teaching Excellence | Duquesne University
(412) 396-5177


Amanda Clossen
Head of Teaching and Learning
Gumberg Library | Duquesne University
(412) 396-1642