Find Books By and About Authors
Getting to the DUQSearch Advanced Search
The best way to find books by and about authors in the DUQSearch Catalog is to use the Advanced Search. In order to do this you must first get to the DUQSearch Catalog. You may do so by clicking the Gumberg Library link on the right at the top of the screen, which will take you to the library's homepage. The Advanced Search link is under the DuqSearch search box.
DUQSearch will automatically find printed books, ebooks, and articles from selected databases when a search is run. Sometimes this gives an overwhelming result. If all you want to find are printed books and ebooks, no articles, type your search in the Advanced Search boxes, then scroll down. On the right, look for a limiter called All Gumberg Specialized Collection Catalogs. Click the check box to the left of it. then click Search. This will limit your search to printed books and ebooks only.
Find Books By an Author
To find all texts written by a particular author, on the Advanced Search screen, type the author's name in the first search box. Be sure to pull down the menu to the right of it and choose Author. Then click Search. If you leave the menu set to the default Select a Field (optional), you will not just find texts by an author, but all catalog records that simply contain the author's name.
Find Books About an Author
Type the author's name in the first Advanced Search box. Pull down the menu on the right and choose Subject. Then click Search. This will find all books where the author is the subject of the work.
Find a Work By an Author
Type the author's name in the first Advanced Search box. Choose Author from the menu on the right. In the second box, type the title of the work. Choose Title from the menu on the right. Click Search.
Find Criticism About a Work by an Author
Type the author's name in the first Advanced Search box. Choose Subject from the menu on the right. Type the name of the work in the second box, and choose Select a Field (optional) from the menu on the right. Then click Search. This will retrieve all items that discuss the particular work you are interested in.