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ETD Guidelines: After Duquesne

After Duquesne

Can I order a hard copy of my dissertation/thesis if I didn’t during my submission process?

Yes. You can order one by contacting ProQuest directly. Students may order hard copies at any time by contacting ProQuest directly. They will receive reduced pricing since they are the author. Please refer students to the ETD Coordinator for ordering information.

How can I view my ETD after it has been approved?

  1. From Duquesne: Duquesne Scholarship Collection
  2. Other institutions: ProQuest Theses & Dissertations

Is there anything else I need to do once my ETD has received final approval?

As far as ETDs are concerned, no, once you have received confirmation that your ETD was accepted and the registrars were notified. However, you may have other holds on your graduation even after submitting your ETD. If in doubt, contact the registrar directly.

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